September 30, 1949
• Specials at the B.P. Hunter Stores include: Libby custard pumpkin, 17¢ for No. 2 size can; Golden crust bread, 16-oz. loaf for 10¢; Folger’s coffee, 52¢ for a lb. can; Wilson’s or Swift’s smoked ham, 59¢ per lb.; Hy-Klas Grade A pasteurized milk in a quart carton, 17¢; Pillsbury’s flour, 85¢ for a 10 lb. bag; Lady Corrine peanut butter, 29¢ for a 12 oz. jar; and a bushel bag of Jonathan apples, $1.19.
• At the regular meeting of the stockholders of the Exchange Bank of Fairfax held Monday, Harry Emrick was elected a member of the board of directors and named cashier of the bank. As a member of the board, he succeeds Ray C. Whitford, who had asked to be replaced.
• The Rev. Floyd Riggs was assigned to the pastorate of the Fairfax-Rupe’s Grove Methodist Churches by the Missouri Conference. Rev. Riggs comes to Fairfax from Clarence, Missouri.
• Showing at the Fair Theatre: “Fighting Fools,” “Crashing Thru,” “Rachel and The Stranger” with Loretta Young and William Holden, and “Act of Violence” with Van Heflin.
October 3, 1974
• C.O. VanGundy was a guest of honor at a surprise 80th birthday party at his home Sunday afternoon, September 29. His birthday was September 30. Ninety-nine relatives and friends attended the gathering.
• “The Ambassadors of Love”, a choir of boys and girls ages 9-14 from Calvin Memorial Church in Omaha, Nebraska, led the service of worship at the Fairfax Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. The service was preceded with a potluck supper in the basement of the church.
• Mrs. Merle Barton returned Sunday from a 12-day western trip. She and a couple from Essex, Iowa, and another couple from Shenandoah, Iowa, visited Barton cousins in Los Alamos, New Mexico, Dr. and Mrs. Raemer Schreiber, who is a scientist in the large federal laboratory. They also visited retired teachers there, as well as relatives and friends in Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas.
• Favorable weather and an attractive variety of items combined for a record-breaking community auction last Saturday evening in Fairfax. The sale totaled some $1,300 and clubs operating food stands did a lively business. Proceeds from the sale will go into a fund for use in promoting physicians in Fairfax.
September 30, 1999
• Fairfax Community Betterment will host a Y2K readiness program for the public on how Fairfax will be prepared for the new millennium.
• The Treasure Tracks’ train will be arriving in Fairfax Friday, October 1. Helene Lawrence of Fairfax, along with her daughter, Kelly Walk of Maryville, Missouri, have been working hard to get the old depot in Fairfax back in shape for another session of selling crafts and much more!
• Tom and Rose McCall of Fairfax will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary October 7. They were married on that day in 1939 west of Phelps City, Missouri, at the home of Reverend Mulvania.
• The Fairfax Marching Pride traveled to Shenandoah, Iowa, to compete in the Shenfest Parade Saturday, September 25. The band received first place in its division. The 42-member band is under the direction of Bill Slaughter.
• Atchison County residents will see the 1/2% general purpose sales tax for E-911 kick in October 1. Tarkio and Rock Port businesses will start collecting sales tax at a rate of 7.475%. Fairfax’s rate if 6.975% and Westboro, Watson, Phelps City, Langdon, and other Atchison County communities will have a sales tax of 5.975%.