The City of Tarkio Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at Tarkio City Hall. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was done by City Clerk Danielle Madron: aldermen Scott Walker, Blu Dow, Jeff Olson, and James Navin were present. Visitors present were: City of Tarkio employees – Police Chief Tyson Gibbons, City Building Inspector Jesse Payne, and Street Superintendent Jamie Quimby; Tarkio Board of Public Works employees Danny Martin and Curtis Hedrick; Tarkio Chamber member Ashlee Driskell; Tarkio Volunteer Fire Department Chief Keaton Shaw; and Tarkio citizens Dan and Sally Vietze and Mike Klosek, Sr.

Mayor Agnew asked for the approval of the regular meeting minutes from August 14 and the special meeting minutes from the August 12 public hearing. A motion made to approve the minutes as presented was seconded and approved. The minutes were approved.

Tarkio Chamber of Commerce members Blu Dow and Ashlee Driskell spoke to the board about the possibility of the Tarkio Chamber purchasing new banners for the street lights on Main, something like what the city used to have. The welding class at Tarkio Tech has offered to weld new brackets if this project moves forward. The council members stated they are all in favor of this project and will do whatever they need to do to help.

Mayor Agnew gave the first reading of Bill 318.24 Ordinance 304.24: An Ordinance Adopting An Amended Budget For The City Of Tarkio’s Fiscal Year April 1, 2024 To March 31, 2025. Dow made a motion to approve Bill 318.24 Ordinance 304.24 and the motion was seconded and approved.

Mayor Agnew gave the second reading of Bill 318.24 Ordinance 304.24. Olson made a motion to approve Bill 318.24 Ordinance 304.24 and the motion was seconded and approved. Bill 318.24 Ordinance 304.24 was adopted.

Last month, Quimby approached the council about purchasing a moveable radar sign for the city. The cost would be $3,360.00. The city has applied for a MIRMA grant to help with these costs, but will not know until next month if the city will be awarded the money. Walker made a motion to purchase the radar sign, Dow seconded. Four ayes voted to approve the motion and the second.

Mayor Agnew informed the board that it was the time of the year to discuss possible cost of living raises. This topic was tabled to closed session to be discussed at the end of the meeting.

Department Reports

Jeff Olson, Tarkio City Buildings – The door at the Community Building has been fixed. Weather stripping has been ordered to put around both of the west doors. They will be working on the east doors as well to make them more secure.

Scott Walker, Tarkio Volunteer Fire Department – Fire Chief Keaton Shaw informed the board that he had been in contact with a financing company to get things set up for the new fire truck payments. With the $89,550.00 down payment for the truck, the city should not have to pay its first payment until 2026. Keaton is working with Clerk Madron to get the rest of the paperwork ready and sent back to the financing company.

Blu Dow, City Parks & Pool – Tarkio Park Board has several events coming up in the next few months. Friendship Day and the Color Run are Saturday, September 28. They want to do a Boo-Ball Softball Tournament on Saturday, October 26, and the Halloween Parade Sunday, October 27. This year’s Halloween Parade will take place on the Tarkio Tech campus. More information will be put out on that in the upcoming weeks. Clerk Madron will be contacting MIRMA and the City Attorney to ask about the possibility of a park alcohol permit for the Boo-Ball Tournament. The council is in favor of allowing for a permit upon approval from both MIRMA and the attorney. The Christmas parade will be December 7, as well as the Chamber of Commerce PJ’s and Pancake event.

James Navin, Jr., City Streets – Quimby’s Report:

• Repairs/Equipment – There were some minor repairs done to the skid steer this last month.

• Brush Pile – This area is large and the crew will be burning it soon. Quimby was asked by a resident when it would be burned because they are taking down several trees and wanted to make sure they got them to the brush pile before it was burned. Quimby told them to hold off until the first of October.

• Potholes – The crew has used up the last of the cold patch. Quimby will order the bagged product used for winter in mid to late October.

• Main Street Project – This project has been completed. The crew that did the asphalt was here and started on September 19. It took them three days to complete this. Including the curb work, this project was completed under budget by $40,738.50.

• RV Park – This facility has several people staying here at this time. There was a sewer issue that had to be addressed due to tree roots.

• Sign Repair – A sign at 1st and Walnut was damaged and has been repaired. The stop sign at 3rd and Main has been replaced, and there was a snow route sign at 5th and Vine that had to be reset.

• Alleys – At last month’s meeting, Quimby was asked about the city’s alley policy. He has created a new one for the city council to consider. There has been some work done this last month on washouts in a couple of alleys. One of these is the alley behind the post office. The crew has used millings from Main Street to try and build this alley up.

• Winter Prep – There is a stock of road salt ready for use this winter. Quimby believes it should be enough, but if it looks like they are going to run short then he will get more at that time. He will soon be ordering the liquid pretreatment that has been used the last few years. As winter gets closer, the crew will be evaluating the equipment to make sure everything is in proper working order and ready to go, an inventory of extra parts will be assessed to make sure these items are in stock. These items include skids for the blades, a few hydraulic hoses, and winter hydraulic fluid used for the blades on the pickups.   

Curtis Hedrick, Tarkio Board of Public Works (TBPW) – There was one water leak last month that was fixed quickly. The water tower work has been completed and lead service line inventory is going well. There was a sewer issue on McNary Street that has been fixed and concrete will be fixed as soon as the ground settles.

Jeff Agnew, Gould Peterson Municipal Airport – There was nothing to report.

Animal Control – There was nothing to report.

Tyson Gibbons, Tarkio Police Department – There was a minor fender bender involving the 694 vehicle. All insurance requirements and post-accident testing were completed immediately. Tyson will be getting together some estimates for possible rotating/replacing of patrol vehicles. Chief Gibbons and sheriff-elect Andy Riley will be meeting with the school later this month to discuss the SRO options for next year.

Danielle Madron, City Financials – A demolition grant was submitted on September 6. There are four residential properties and one commercial property that are on the list to be demolished, if the city is awarded the grant.

Mayor Agnew relayed to the council and those in attendance that the city received notice that the Tarkio Rehabilitation & Health Care facility in town would be closing as of November 10, 2024.

A break was taken from 7:05 to 7:10 p.m.

Walker made a motion to enter into executive session per Chapter 610.021 Section 3 hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting a particular employee, etc. Olson seconded and all approved. The meeting moved into executive session.

Dow made a motion to close executive session per Chapter 610.021 Section 3. All approved and the meeting returned to open session.

Dow made a motion to approve a 4% cost of living raise for all full-time employees. The motion was seconded and approved by all.

Mayor Agnew thanked Blu Dow for all her 20 years of service to the Tarkio City Council, following her resignation.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Next month’s regular Tarkio Board of Aldermen meeting will be held Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Tarkio City Hall, located at the corner of 6th and Main Street. Tarkio residents are invited to attend all meetings.