The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, October 17, 2024. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission
Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.
The annual employee benefit fair was held today at the Velma Houts Fair Building. Employees had the opportunity to visit with all their benefit vendors and make any changes for 2025. HIC Insurance was present to provide information on the county’s new health insurance plan.
Clerk Taylor presented a notice from the County Employees’ Retirement Fund to make the 2025 annual contribution election. Effective January 1, 2003, an additional 4% compensation was required on behalf of employees hired on or after February 25, 2002, to be directed to CERF. Each county notified CERF of its election to pay the additional contributions either from county funds or through payroll deduction. A county can only change its election once per year, with the new election becoming effective on January 1. After discussion, the commissioners voted to leave the county’s current election in effect for 2025 with the employee paying the required 4% in CERF.
Assistant Road and Bridge Supervisor Kenny Wallace presented the purchase order for the new John Deere 672 motor grader. It was signed by Presiding Commissioner Livengood.
Assistant Supervisor Wallace then presented two state bids from Murphy Tractor for a new V-plow unit to fit the grader. One was for a 2024 Falls GV-90 with John Deere extended warranty for $16,500.00 and the other was for a 2025 Henke 6124102 for $25,871.76. Assistant Supervisor Wallace felt the John Deere equipment would do everything they needed it to do and recommended it for purchase. The commissioners voted to purchase the John Deere equipment for $16,500.00.
He then presented the bid for a Walk’n’Roll packer/roller from Murphy Tractor. It is not listed on the state bid site, but Murphy presented a letter that stated they are the sole provider in the area. The bid was $32,905.00, and with adding an articulator (for packing sharp turns) it was $38,895.00. The commission tabled the decision to allow Clerk Taylor to check with the auditor to see if Murphy, being the sole source provider, removed the bidding requirement.
Rhonda Wiley, Emergency Management/E-9-1-1 Director, was in to visit with the commission about Holt County’s interest in merging with another emergency dispatch system. Director Wiley will go to Holt County to visit with the Holt County Commission to see what their needs are and present it to the Atchison County Commission.
Following the employee fair, Clerk Taylor and Presiding Commissioner Livengood met with Matthew and John Hickman with HIC to sign the Blue Cross termination letter and agreements for the new partially self-insured plan.
Assessor Rochelle Moore met with the commission to present a new fee schedule for services provided by the county and her office. The commissioners voted to approve the schedule.
There being no further business, the commission adjourned.