The Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC) board met November 6, 2024, at the ACDC office. Present were: Lori Seymour, Mary Ann Hull, Jeff Meyer, Roger Martin, Eryn Stepp, Craig Corken, W.C. Farmer, Bob Alldredge, and Jill Davis, board members; and Monica Bailey, director.

Board members approved the August meeting minutes and the August financials as presented.

Citizens Bank & Trust CD #6246 funds were invested in a new seven-month Citizens Bank & Trust CD at 4.25% on October 15.

Director Report

Since September 11, Bailey has attended meetings for Community Foundation Northwest Missouri Board, Salvation Army, Restore Rock Port, Slusher Hall (Tarkio Tech) Planning Committee, Missouri Economic Development Council Public Policy Committee, Tarkio Renewal, Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation, and Atchison County Artisans Makers Market Planning Committee.

She also assisted with Winefest setup, event and cleanup.

The annual meeting of the Atchison County Industrial Development Authority was September 24.

Careers on Wheels was held September 26, with 12 businesses and 70 students participating.

ACDC’s annual meeting October 9 in Tarkio celebrated the good things in Atchison County with 70 guests.

The Atchison County major employers workforce discussion was held October 18 at Community Hospital-Fairfax. Twenty major employers were invited, and five attended.

The Atchison County Artisans Makers Market November 2 in Fairfax hosted 14 vendors and more than 75 attendees.

BI grants were awarded to Jeff Jones Lawn Service and Snow Removal and Milton Mercantile.

Bailey has been working with the county on a potential TIF project.

ACDC received two Youth Beautification Grant applications, both of which were awarded. Rock Port FFA is building two picnic tables for the county fairgrounds, and Atchison County 4-H Lucky Clovers will be sprucing up the bathrooms and painting barns where needed at the fairgrounds.

New Business

The group discussed the importance of supporting the company that is opening convenience stores in Fairfax and Tarkio. Board members voted unanimously to support this project with an award of $5,000 for each location, pending the submission of a completed application.

The board approved the amended 2024 budget and a draft of the 2025 budget.

Board members voted to move into executive session.

The meeting moved to regular session and was adjourned.