Tarkio/Westboro Ministerial Alliance hosting Adopt-a-Child program

The Tarkio/Westboro Ministerial Alliance has launched its annual Adopt-a-Child Christmas Program for Tarkio, Westboro, and Fairfax residents. Applicants must apply through Community Services in Tarkio.

The purpose of the program is to provide assistance for families who have found themselves in a situation that hinders them from providing for Christmas.

Qualified families or individuals may apply for adoption through Thursday, November 14, at 12:00 noon. No applications will be taken after that date. Call Community Services at 660-736-4646 to set up an appointment for application (you must call ahead).

If you would like more information on this program, call Joan at 660-253-0087 or email her at mamachic@tarkio.net.

RPMA Adopt-A-Family and Adopt-An-Elder programs

Registration for the Adopt-A-Family and Adopt-An-Elder programs, sponsored by the Rock Port Ministerial Alliance, has begun. The Adopt-A-Family program helps people who are struggling financially with gifts and food for Christmas.

Each elder will receive a food basket. Participants must be 60 years of age or older.

People who wish to be considered for either of these programs must apply through Community Services. Call 660-736-4646. The deadline for registration is November 20.

Family adoption began October 22. You are able to adopt an entire family or a single child. There are opportunities to provide clothing, toys, and food.

Elder adoption also began October 22.

If you would like to adopt a family or elder, email rpma@rpt.coop or call Rebecca at 660-253-3535.