Now that the election is over, maybe we should all step back for a moment to focus on things that we do have some semblance of control over: “our” children. And by this I mean all children in our families, in our community, outside our community, and even those yet to be born.
Without being political, because children should never be a political discussion beyond assisting their well being, I would invite you to do some introspective soul searching, and ask yourself some simple questions: What is my primary function as a human being, especially as an adult? How can I replicate or improve upon what my parents, community, neighbors, school and religious affiliations have done, or should have done for me? And finally, what could I do for children that could possibly change the course of their life, as well as my own?
If you took the time to self reflect on those questions, and you have the slightest bit of wonder, or desire to step out of your comfort zone, we invite you to join us on a journey that has only one purpose, focusing on one ultimate destination, but offers countless opportunities to grow closer to God.
In our conversations with people about fostering and adoption, they often say, “I have thought about it, or maybe I will in the future.” A child in dire need does not have the luxury of our hesitancy, nor our “MAYBES,” which have become just another false hope delusion in their world of far too many “NEVERS.”
Our attempt, beyond actively donating to worthy causes, fostering and adopting children in need, is to further establish our FOCUS ON ALL KIDS foundation. This foundation is in its infancy stage, but we are excited to share information about fostering and adoption, as well as supporting you in an amazing journey.
God Bless,
Chris Chamberlain & Melissa Masonbrink