The free East Atchison and Rock Port junior high and high school winter sports pocket schedules have been printed and distributed to area businesses in Tarkio, Fairfax, and Rock Port. Schedules distributed in Tarkio are sponsored by Colfax Farmers Mutual Insurance. Schedules distributed in Fairfax are sponsored by Fairfax Agency. Schedules distributed in Rock Port are sponsored by Kent Fisher Insurance.

The schedules include sporting event locations, dates, and times for basketball and wrestling. Pick up your East Atchison schedules today at: Tarkio – Casey’s, Hy-Vee, Rogers Pharmacy, Farmers State Bank, and Colfax Farmers Mutual; and Fairfax – Farmers State Bank, City Hall, Simmons Service LLC, Fairfax R-3, and Fairfax Agency. Rock Port schedules can be grabbed at Do It Best, Stoner Drug, Bank Midwest, Citizens Bank & Trust, Casey’s, and Food Country.