The Rock Port R-II Board of Education held a regular meeting Thursday, November 12, 2024. President Regan Griffin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the board room. Also present were Afton Schomburg, Joanna Burke, Troy Cook, Jared Meyerkorth, Reven Herron, and Kayla Sierks, board members; Dr. Rex Bollinger, Superintendent; Mr. Donnie Parsons, High School Principal; Dr. Steve Waigand, Elementary Principal; and Jennifer Welch, Board Secretary.
The agenda was adopted.
Regan Griffin read the vision and mission statement of the Rock Port School District.
Board members approved the minutes of the regular meeting October 10, 2024.
Dr. Bollinger read a thank you note from the high school volleyball team.
Dr. Bollinger reviewed the financial information. The October final check register was approved.
Dr. Waigand went over the elementary principal’s report and Mr. Parsons went over the high school principal’s report.
Dr. Bollinger went over the facilities, grounds and safety report for the monthly program evaluation and gave a construction update.
Board members voted unanimously to approve the 2024-2025 board of education filing dates. Board filing will open on December 10, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. and close December 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
In new business, Dr. Bollinger reviewed the CSIP, which is a comprehensive school improvement plan that outlines a school district’s actions to support student success. The CSIP that he discussed was Effective Teaching and Learning Goal 1 TL7 and Strategy 1 TL7 A.
Kayla Sierks made a motion to approve a change in the substitute pay, and Reven Herron seconded. Substitute teachers will receive $125 for a full day and $75 for a half day. Long-term subs will receive $140 a day (11 days or more in a row is considered long term). Retirees from Rock Port will receive $150 a day for long-term subbing. The motion passed 5-0. Troy Cook and Jared Meyerkorth abstained.
The board of education and the administration reviewed and discussed the staff survey that was sent out.
Board members voted to move to executive session under 610.021 (3, 13) Personnel Matters at 9:04 p.m. The meeting returned to open session at 9:37 p.m.
Following discussion of future items, the meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.