The Rock Port Board of Aldermen met Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with MayorAmy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, Kim Brake, and Jeff Geib. Also present were Lisa Farmer, Elaine Lewis, Taya Jones, Tyler Jones, Treyton Lewis, Thea Lewis, and Ashley Amthor.

Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order.

The meeting agenda was approved.

Animal and livestock ordinances were discussed. Brake motioned to pay for the attorney to review and/or write new and amend ordinances. Geib seconded and all voted aye.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


The Rock Port Board of Alderman met Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Amy Thomas presiding. Board members present were Kelley Herron, Michael Graves, Jeff Geib, and Kim Brake. Also present were City Clerk Natasha Baruth, Superintendent Dennis Sherlock, and Police Chief Derek Morriss. Utility Clerk Terri McGuire was absent. Visitors present were Elaine Lewis, Lisa Farmer, Marilyn McMahon, Barry Minter, Connie Minter, Lori Carnahan, Melanie Miller, Lisa Wilczek, Thea Lewis, Treyton Lewis, Ashley Amthor, Mandy Keiffer, Kari Amthor, Carol Herron, Taya Jones, Tyler Jones, Ashley Gayler, Brett Gayler, Jordan Christian, Sheena Roup, Ashtyn Beatty, Paige Sloop, Tiana Jones, Cory Jones, Emily Graham, Madison Erdman, Emily Shulte, Seth Morey, Darci Morey, Kourtney Murphy, and Stephanie Parsons.

Mayor Thomas called the meeting to order.

The meeting agenda was approved.

The aldermen also approved the minutes of the October 16, 2024, and November 13, 2024, meetings.

Taya and Tyler Jones were present to address the board to ask for a special use permit to include boarding services at their in-home dog grooming business. Taya read a letter expressing her experience with the need for boarding services in town. She presented drawn plans for her boarding room and fenced in dog run, specifically for boarded dogs.

Barry Minter spoke regarding Taya Jones’ boarding plans and expressed concern for excessive smell and noise if the board approved a special use permit.

A public hearing regarding Taya Jones’ special use permit was scheduled for December 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Consent Agendas

The aldermen voted to approve both the city and utility consent agendas.

New Business

The Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments (NWRCOG) Board has asked for an elected official from Rock Port to be part of the board. Brake volunteered and her appointment was approved.

Old Business

Sheena Roup presented a slide show for a park board grant. It is a reimbursable, 80/20 grant specifically for walking trails. Thomas asked if the city could apply for a grant while it is in the process of obtaining another one. Sheena will check. It was tabled until the next meeting.

Marijuana tax was discussed. Thomas told department heads and boards to come up with a want list and a need list to use the revenue and present it to the board.

Business licenses for El Patron and Jones Lawn and Snow were reviewed. Both licenses were approved.

The aldermen voted unanimously to adjourn into executive session for personnel matters pursuant for Section 610.021(3) RSMo. at 6:50 p.m.

The executive session was adjourned and the meeting returned to regular session at 8:02 p.m.

Details of the scheduled public hearing were discussed. Taya Jones will have three minutes to present and all visitors that sign up to speak will have one minute. The board may ask questions. Clerk Baruth will double check public hearing mandates to ensure letters are sent appropriately.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.