The Tarkio Elementary third graders performed their Thanksgiving program, “A Time To Give Thanks, A Celebration of Thanksgiving,” Tuesday, November 26, 2024, in the Tarkio High School Auditorium.


Lyzzy Driskell, above, and Bennett Peregrine, below, take the mic during the 3rd grade Thanksgiving program. The kids sang “Pilgrims,” “Mashed Potatoes,” “Gratitude Attitude,” “The Turkey Woogie,” “We Are Thankful,” and “Thankful for the U.S.A.”


The Tarkio Elementary third grade class presented the annual Thanksgiving program in front of a crowd of family and friends Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at the Tarkio High School Auditorium.

“A Time To Give Thanks, A Celebration of Thanksgiving” by Teresa Jennings included the following songs: “Pilgrims” – speakers were Sage Sundermann, Emmeline Vette, Jacob Wills, Jaxon Dunkin, Izzy Childers, Kash Wheeler, Emelyn Miller, and Kinslee Ohnmacht; “Mashed Potatoes”; “Gratitude Attitude” – speakers were Jaxon Dunkin, Brecklyn Lopez, Kinsley Ohnmacht, Izzy Childers, Isaac Martin, Cohen Lundquist, Jacob Wills, Giovanni Perez, Briley Miller, TayLynne Corbin, Skylar Sportsman, and Zaiden Miller; “The Turkey Woogie”; “We Are Thankful”; and “Thankful for the U.S.A.”

Students performing in the program included Nola Bruce, Aiden Childers, TayLynne Corbin, Lyzzy Driskell, Haven Hogue, Briley Miller, Zaiden Miller, Bennett Peregrine, Giovanni Perez, Simon Piveral, Skylar Sportsman, Sage Sundermann, Emmeline Vette, Kash Wheeler, Dakota Buchanan, Izzy Childers, Jaxon Dunkin, Damon Lambert, Brecklynn Lopez, Cohen Lundquist, Isaac Martin, Emalyn Miller, Micha Murray, Kinslee Ohnmacht, Zoey Romines, Everett Scott, Ollie Shaw, and Jacob Wills.They were under the direction of Tarkio Elementary music teacher Mrs. Melody Barnett and Tarkio Elementary third grade teachers Ms. Katarina Bennett and Ms. Cassie Steele.