December 15, 1949

• Relatives and friends here have received invitations to the marriage of Miss Ruth LaVonne Clapper to Arthur Lindstrom. For the past several years, Arthur has attended the Julliard School of Music in New York City and is now doing post-graduate work there. Arthur’s mother, Mrs. Mae Lindstrom, plans to attend the wedding. (Arthur would go on to play for Barbra Streisand in rehearsal before she was “discovered.”)

• According to the Lincoln Star of December 10, Max B. Benne of Fairfax was admitted to practice in federal court in Lincoln by Judge John W. Delehant. Benne is a recent graduate of the University of Nebraska Law School.

• One of the highlights of this Christmas season for parents and friends of the grade school children will be the operettta, “Christmas with the Old Woman Who Lived in the Shoe.” It is to be performed by pupils in the first four grades December 22. Leads include: Ronnie Ray, Santa Claus; Sharon Emrick, The Fairy Godmother; Susie Sims, Mother Goose; and Virginia Fair, Goody Green.

• A driver’s training course is to be offered in the local high school during the second semester of the present term. Lawson Motor Company of Tarkio will furnish a car for use in the course.

December 19, 1974

• Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pyeatt have purchased the business and stock of the hardware store in Mound City and plan to reopen at the same location this week.

• Senior Chief Construction Electrician Gene A. Carson, a graduate of Fairfax High School, is stationed with the U.S. Navy Seabees at Camp Shields in Okinawa, Japan. As a member of the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Forty, Senior Chief Carson is his unit’s operations chief.

• Truman Outs of Maryville, Missouri, recently retired as a driver for Crouch Bros. Truck Lines, serving the Fairfax area. In appreciation for the fine service he has given throughout 15 years of service, Jim Fisher and Charles Norton presented him with an engraved plaque and a cash gift of $90 from the business people of Fairfax.

• On Saturday, December 14, Jerry Strough, Nancy Brandt, J Smith, and Roger Ray traveled to Maryville, Missouri, to compete in the Elks Club District Hoop Shoot free throw contest. J was a first place winner in his age group, hitting 16 of 25. Jerry was a second place winner of his age group, hitting 17 of 25. J advances to Brookfield to compete with the other 12-13 year olds from the north half of the state.

December 16, 1999

• Fairfax 4-Hers Brice Ball, Mark Ball, Harold Ray, and Dru Oswald placed third in the Regional 4-H SimFarm Computer Contest held in St. Joseph in November.

• Melvin E. and Thelma J. (Stevens) Miles will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Thursday, December 23. Melvin and T.J. met on a blind date in Louisville, Kentucky, on July 4, 1959. They were married that December and moved to the farm home of Melvin’s Uncle Harry and Aunt Elsie Miles north of Melvin’s home place in January 1960.

• Ed and Carol Ball of Fairfax will hold an open house in their new home Saturday, December 18. Ed and Carol lost their home to a fire last spring and have moved into their new home southeast of Fairfax.