Letters to Santa can be emailed to dearsanta@rpt.coop or dropped off at the North Pole mailbox at the Atchison County Mail. Letters will be printed (as submitted) in the Atchison County Mail.

Dear Santa, My name is Kit Roup. I would like make and Paint. Thank you. Love, Kit Roup

Dear Santa, This year, for Christmas, I would like a big tote full of rainbow loom bands. The colors I want are from dark red to violet. I would also like gold and silver. Make sure that there are light colors and dark. I would also like an owala. I would like an iPad and a computer. Last but not least I would like a vanady and some makup. I will make sure to leave out cookies and milk. From, Aislyn Barnes

Dear Santa, I would like a computer for Christmas and Legos for Chistmas to and the rest can be a suprise. From: Kolcyn

Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like: a Toro Loco monster truck with a remote control and a trailer. For inside I want a logging truck to play with. Happy, Merry Christmas, Santa! This year, I have been nice. Love, Thomas Garst, age 3

Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like: a Sonic excavator, please. And I can get in to drive it and the arm can move. I want a new, blue sonic semi for inside, please. Santa, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! This year, I have been nice. Love, Brett Garst, age 5