Submitted by Pastor Richard Boettner, Rock Port Baptist Church
I am writing with just three weeks until Christmas Day. It has been a good season to prepare for Christmas this year, and I am grateful to be living in Rock Port. I enjoy the lights, and our towns in Atchison County do a great job of decorating for a mostly rural area. I love the Christmas carols and rich musical traditions that point us to the birth of Jesus. Praise God!
For Scripture study, we come to Philippians 2:1-11, one of the most important passages in the entire New Testament. In only these few verses, Paul’s writing takes us from the incomprehensible depths of eternity when the Son existed in the form of God to the point where he willingly takes on the form of a servant through his incarnation, which we celebrate at Christmas. We also see Jesus went down to the depths of his death on the cross, only to soar back up into the heavens exalted as Lord over all creation. Many people believe this text of Scripture was originally an ancient hymn of the early church, if not the first Biblical Christmas carol! What a magnificent Savior we worship!
Consider the following points:
1) Jesus became fully human in his Spirit-produced conception and divine birth, while also fully retaining His complete deity. The passage tells us He “emptied himself . . . assuming the form of a servant” (vs.7). He existed as fully God (vs.6) but gave this up willingly and with sacrifice.
2) Jesus became obedient without sin throughout His entire earthly life making Him worthy to be the perfect once for all time sacrifice for sin: “even to the point of death on a cross” (vs. 8). Even the angel who appeared before His birth proclaimed Jesus as the One who would “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21), and that His name would be called “Emmanuel” or “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).
3) For us today we are commanded to “adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus” (vs. 5). Christmas is a time to give, to serve, to show extra love in our families, in our community, and in our church. There is no room for self-exaltation, conceit, or self-interest (vs. 4) but a concern for the interests and needs of others (vs. 4).
4) Let us also remember to look to Jesus for all our needs, and worship Him. We can see in the Christmas story that angels came to announce His glory even as a baby. Shepherds left their flocks to go and worship Him. Wise men came from far to bring Him gifts. We worship Jesus because of all He did for us in coming to earth.
5) In the midst of Christmas spending and giving, let’s remember God’s economy says something very different. It says the way to the gain is not by pursuing it directly, but by following in the footsteps of Jesus in humility. It’s because we see that in humility, as we suffer for the sake of our Lord, we do that with the knowledge that God himself will lift us up. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift you up.” (James 4:10). Just as God urges us to humble ourselves in this passage: “adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus” (vs. 5), He is also telling us the outcome of that choice. If you humble yourselves for Christ, you will be lifted up with Christ on the last day. Come and worship him!
Feel free to contact me with questions or comments at And may God bless us here in Atchison County and Merry Christmas!