Atchison County estab-lishments that sell food and drinks receive health inspections, once, twice, or three times a year depending on the type of foods sold and risk to the public. Priority Items noted must receive immediate action within 72 hours or as stated. Core Items are to be corrected by the next regular inspection or as stated. (PHF stands for Potentially Hazardous Foods and COS stands for Corrected On Site.)

The following businesses were inspected December 18, 2024:

The Gas Spot – Fairfax

411 U.S. Hwy. 59

Fairfax, Missouri

(Pre-Opening Inspection)

• Observations/Comments: Need self-closing door on restroom. J-cups and ? containers stored on floor. A few construction items (mop boards, holes in walls) to be finished up. *Facility is good to open from health standpoint.

The Gas Spot – Tarkio

20286 U.S. Hwy. 59

Tarkio, Missouri

• Observations/Comments: Hole in wall under 3-bay sink. Kitchen flooring – Floating floor/laminate have peeled edges and duct taped by prep table. Unshielded lights in back storeroom/beer cave has plastic sleeve but no rubber endcaps. Bad door gasket on beer cave door. No handwashing signage in restrooms – Note, construction is still ongoing. Not quite ready to open.