December 30, 1949
• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: “Angels Alley” with the Bowery Boys, “Outlaw Country” with Lash LaRue, “Tokyo Joe” with Humphrey Bogart, and “Night at Opera” with the Marx Brothers.
• Jim Sipes, barber at Cheesman’s shop, broke a milk bottle on Wednesday morning. As it fell, he reached for it and suffered serious cuts on his right hand, practically putting him on the shelf for several days.
• Building alterations in progress at the Bank of Atchison County will add much needed improvements to the bank’s facilities. The law office of W.L. Mulvania will be moved and provided with a suite of three rooms, including a reception room, sound-proof private office, and a library. His old area will be made into a consultation room and extra vault space.
• Several young men from Rock Port who are students at the University of Missouri have organized a basketball team called the Rock Port Rockets. They beat the Phi Beta fraternity 42-18 in their first game. The Rock Port team members are Gordon Wells, Bill Bartholomew, and Hardin Cox. Roger Planep and Byron Munkel of Oregon and others complete the squad.
December 26, 1974
• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: “Benji” and “Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.”
• Two bull elk horns were found south of Rock Port in a barbed wire fence. The 12-point horns, each 45 inches tall, weigh 15 pounds each. They are thought to belong to the 1973 antlers of the famous Atchison County Elk. The elk, the only one known in Missouri, is thought to be a probable escapee from a game farm near Atlantic, Iowa. He has been living in Atchison County for four years.
• “Dear Santa – Please bring me a new doll some clothes, popcorn maker, Sesame Street toyland, ice cream maker, and sew magic. I’ve been pretty good this year. Have a good trip. Love, Cathy” “Dear Santa – I have been good. I am in the first grade. Please bring me Evil Knievel Stunt set. Love, Shawn Hurst.” “Dear Santa – I have been good. I am in first grade. Please bring me an Easy Bake Oven, doll, and some clothes. Love, Lori Patterson”
• Specials at Greenley’s Market in Rock Port include: whole fresh-fryer chickens, 39¢ per pound; 8 16-ounce bottles of Coca Cola, 99¢ plus deposit; and Tuna Helper, 59¢ per box.
December 23, 1999
• “Dear Santa, My name is Erin. I’ve been good because I helped Grandma when she was sick. And I help all the time. For Christmas, I would like a tape player with a tape, the Blue Doll in the doll magazine, and some fun games I can play with daddy. Love, Erin. P.S. Our chimney doesn’t work, so come in the window with the blinking star.”
• Rock Port High School Christmas Ball royalty were Queen Taya Moore and King Cory Roup.
• For every patient seen at Powell Chiropractic Clinic on December 13, Dr. Gary Powell donated $10 towards the elementary playground fund. After 22 patients were seen that day, $220 was donated.
• The Rock Port Ministerial Alliance accepted 25 blankets and a check for $4,321.50. The blankets will go to the Adopt-A-Family Christmas program and the funds will be donated to the utility fund of the alliance, which goes to help the needy pay their heating bills.