The Rock Port R-II Board of Education held a regular meeting Monday, December 16, 2024. President Regan Griffin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Other board members in attendance were Afton Schomburg, Joanna Burke, Troy Cook, Jared Meyerkorth, Reven Herron, and Kayla Sierks. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Rex Bollinger, Elementary Principal Dr. Steve Waigand, High School Principal Donnie Parsons, and Board Secretary Jennifer Welch. Guests present were Lynette Holmes, Payten Shrader, Heather Jonas, Amy Skillen, and Stephanie Parsons.
The agenda was adopted and board members voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2024.
Regan Griffin read the vision and mission statement of the board of education.
Payten Shrader gave a presentation on the new school store, The Nest. Mrs. Parsons was available to answer any questions.
Heather Jonas from OPAA was present to listen to and discuss questions and concerns about food service.
Dr. Bollinger reviewed the financial information for the month ending November 2024. The November final check register was approved.
Dr. Bollinger read a thank you notes from the family of Mona Almond.
Dr. Waigand and Mr. Parsons gave the elementary and high school principals reports.
Dr. Bollinger gave his monthly program evaluation report on Library and Media. Mrs. Skillen was available to answer any questions.
Reven Herron gave the TABS report.
The consent agenda was approved.
Board members voted unanimously to approve the early graduation of a Rock Port student.
In new business, the board approved the 2023-2024 audit.
They also approved the summer 2025 asbestos abatement bid from 24/7 Enviro Solutions in the amount of $69,875, and the 2025 property insurance amount up to $132,759.
Board members voted to approve paying up to $25,000 for new band uniforms.
The board moved into executive session in accordance with RSMo.610.021 Sub-section (3), (13) Personnel Matters at 8:29 p.m.
The meeting returned to open session at 9:56 p.m.
Board members to approve the HR form as presented. The HR form included the resignation of Mrs. Shauna Farmer from her High School Guidance Counselor position and the resignation of Mrs. Kymm Bredensteiner from her elementary teacher position. The HR form also included extending Dr. Bollinger’s superintendent contract until June 30, 2027, and hiring Sarah Millsap for an elementary paraprofessional position.
Future business was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.