Submitted by Bob Heddinger, Tarkio R-I Superintendent
The Tarkio R-I Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by board president Sam Hannah. The agenda was approved as presented. Board members present were Brooke Vette, Amy Hurst, Sam Hannah, Jamie Barnett, Josh Wright, and Corey Martin.
The minutes from the November 20, 2024, regular and closed session meetings, transfer of funds to pay certified teachers, the hiring of Mrs. Paige Hance as a paraprofessional and the resignation of Mrs. Brianna Shaw as a paraprofessional were all approved. Evaluation for state and federal programs was presented to the board. The board also discussed the adoption of three new policies and one regulation as recommended by the district’s policy service provider – Missouri Consultants for Education (MCE). The new policy topics covered artificial intelligence, post-retirement work limits, and advertising on district property. A five-year extension of the transportation contract with First Student was also discussed. This extension will cover the district’s transportation needs through 2030. The final item was the district communication plan which was presented last month and brought back this month for final approval.
The district financial reports were presented for the month and the board approved the bills for the month. A three-year utility report was provided that showed continued decreases in the high school utility bills. The MOCAAT accounts have a combined $69,845.81 in interest earnings YTD on the reserve balances the district has invested with them since July 1.
The TAC report for the month of December was presented. Ms. Nikki Parshall pointed out that the equipment repairs are completed. Mrs. Blu Dow submitted the CTA report for December. Mrs. Stevens submitted a food service report.
Administration Reports
Tarkio R-I Assistant Superintedent/Tarkio Elementary Principal Mr. Dustin Barnes submitted an elementary report. Overall enrollment for the building is 147 students. Attendance for the first quarter was at 96.32%. The first semester will end December 20. Grades will be finalized when teachers get back on January 3. Mid-year benchmark STAR assessments started the week of December 2 and were finished by December 11. That data is currently being analyzed and will be shared next month. Mid-year DIBELS tests were completed in late November. The gifted program is moving along. The gifted department is currently finishing giving KTEA 3 academic assessments to students who qualified through the first round of qualifications for the program. The school is in the process of adding a few outdoor cameras to the facilities and looking at additional camera needs.
Tarkio High School Principal Mr. Terry Petersen submitted a junior high and high school report which included the following information: Enrollment numbers are: high school 90 and middle school 87. Academically – the third round of STAR testing has been completed, the Grade Watch program has been effective in reducing the number of incomplete assignments and improving grades for the 6th grade. Professional Development – Mrs. Madison Cotton attended a two-day workshop related to social studies; Core Teacher finished aligning and identification of curriculum with major MAP and EOC Missouri Learning Standards. The January 3 PD agenda has been set. Events and Activities – High school basketball and wrestling are in full swing. Mrs. Beth Glidden has started Tarkio Junior High Scholar Bowl practice and Mr. Casey Martin will begin Tarkio High School Scholar Bowl practice after the Christmas break. Terrence Talley, a motivational speaker, spoke with the student bodies from Tarkio and Rock Port on December 6. The Christmas dance was postponed until January 11, 2025, because of the weather. On December 16, North Star Advocacy Center presented to the 6-12 students on appropriate relationships and abuse. Community Outreach – The National Honor Society continues to help deliver for the “Meals on Wheels.” Career Development – Ryan Mansfield from Linn Tech presented to students on available technical programs.
Tarkio R-I Superintedent Mr. Bob Heddinger gave the following report: MSBA Video Summary – The entire message for December was focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and the relationship with education. Tarkio R-I Board candidate filing will be December 10-31, 2024. The board seats held by Mrs. Brooke Vette and Mr. Jamie Barnett will be up this spring. The election will be held on April 8, 2025. As of this report, only one individual has signed up for the open seats. Building and Grounds Update – Mr. Heddinger shared information gleaned from a meeting held with Veregy representatives November 25. The baseball field project is 99% complete and looks good. TLC Lawn Care completed a fall cleaning around the school on December 18. The Facilities Committee met on December 10. Some new heat exchangers will be installed to the gym HVAC system over the Christmas break. A new transformer will be installed in the multi-purpose room at the TAC to allow for expansion of outlets in there. The high school building lobby bathrooms will be scoped on December 20 to ascertain what may have caused the recent backup issues. DESE Update – The December Special Education verification report was submitted on time to DESE. APR results are now available to the public. CSIP Pilot Review has been completed.Legislative Update – The General Assembly next session begins on January 8, 2025, and will conclude on May 16, 2025. As of December 18, there have been approximately 900 bills pre-filed, of which 120 have an impact in some way on K-12 education. State revenues are running about 6.8% behind one year ago. The Supplemental Budget Request is asking for 100 million for K-12 education to cover SB727 mandates. Budget and County Commission – Mr. Heddinger shared that he has a meeting with John Rinehart of LJ Hart to explore funding and refinancing options for future building projects. Mr. Heddinger and Mr. Barnes will be meeting with the Atchison County Assessor, Clerk, and county commissioners on January 30, 2025, to learn more about wind farms and how they are assessed. Agenda Items for the January Board Meeting – Mr. Heddinger shared the agenda items for the January meeting with the board. The list of items includes: review superintendent’s contract; review principal’s contract; update on board filing for April 8, 2025, election; board candidate workshop; review current budget; 2025-26 school calendar second reading; board policy updates recommended by MCE Policy Service; and program evaluation – maintenance, cleaning, facility and grounds plan.
The Tarkio R-I Board of Education will meet January 15 and February 19, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Superintendent’s office.
Old Business
Mr. Heddinger and Mr. Barnes shared the updated Facilities Plan with the board. This updated plan was completed after the Facilities Committee meeting on December 10, 2024. The plan is to have the board review the document one more time and provide any recommendations for changes. The committee will meet one more time for a final review before the document is presented to the board at either the January or February meeting for final approval.
Mr. Barnes presented a CSIP update on Focus Area #3. Along with this update, Mr. Barnes shared the results of the CSIP Pilot Review that Tarkio R-I participated in for the past six months. The results were very positive and subsequently Tarkio R- I will not need to be reviewed for two more years.
Mr. Barnes gave a presentation on the most recent APR results and School Report Card Information for the Tarkio R-I School District. While there are many things to be proud of and the district is accredited, there is still much work to be done with respect to academic performance to reach the goal of accredited with distinction.
Mr. Heddinger shared the completed audit report for the Tarkio R-I School District. The only area of concern is one that all small districts live with, the segregation of duties” With this one exception the audit report found everything in good order for the district. The board approved the 2023-24 audit report as presented.
New Business
Mr. Heddinger shared with the board a copy of the 2025-26 school calendar draft that was developed with the collaboration of the Calendar Committee. This draft calendar is comparable to the current calendar in most respects except for one less half day and one more full day and the addition of a PD day in October.
Mr. Heddinger shared a short video and explanation on Learn Life Saver. This is a program that is aimed at having schools teach on the topic of being an organ donor.
The board met in closed session to discuss personnel matters at 9:23 p.m. The board exited closed session at 10:40 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:41 p.m.