January 6, 1950

• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: “Sons of Mexico” with Gene Autry, “Tarzan’s Desert Mystery,” and “The Fighting O’Flynn” with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

• The marriage license business took a nose dive in Atchison County in 1949. Only 79 licenses were issued in the office of Atchison County Recorder Albert Kelly during the year, as compared to 101 in 1948.

• Rock Port’s two banks report a combined deposit total of $5,488,330.92. The Bank of Atchison County had deposits of $3,395,358.36 on December 31 while the Citizens Bank carried $2,092,972.56.

• Charles D. Walker, who drove here from Providence, Rhode Island, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Walker, left Sunday for the naval base at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, where he will return to his duties as an electrician on the airplane carrier U.S.S. Philippine Sea.

• The Atchison-Holt Electric Cooperative offices in the Kuntz building are undergoing improvements. A fine block linoleum has been put down and the office space has been enlarged.

January 2, 1975

• Miss Suzanne Evans and Richard Fentiman were married December 23 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Shenandoah, Iowa. Pastor Gerald Deere officiated, Mrs. Gage Parker was the organist, and Mrs. Mike Minter was the soloist.

• Kimosabi column: “Speaking of the Atchison County elk brings back memories of the county’s semiannual sightings of the black panther. We haven’t heard of him in several years, but a family in Weatherby reports seeing him in DeKalb County. He ran right across the road in front of their car.”

December 30, 1999

• Congratulations to Shelby Gilliland, 4 years old, and Tommy Gilliland, 2 1/2 years old, children of Tom and Carolyn Gilliland of Watson, Missouri. The children won the World’s Largest Christmas Stocking at Rock Port Market.

• The Rock Port Garden Club will have a paver stone with their name on it placed in the Butterfly Garden at the National Botanical Garden in Washington, D.C., which will also include a Rose Garden, A First Ladies Water Garden, and a teaching facility with an ampitheatre.

• Lester Warren Morgan passed away December 23, at the age of 91. Born near Watson, Missouri, Warren was a farmer. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge for 70 years, having attained the position of Master Mason in 1930. He was one of the founders and former chief of the Watson Fire Department, former council member and mayor of Watson, and also served on the Watson School Board. Warren and his wife, Evalyn, donated to many community projects and established a charitable trust which has benefitted most residents of Atchison County in some manner.

• Thirty-nine volunteers rang in $4,475.59 for The Salvation Army in Rock Port. Tarkio and Fairfax brought in $1,105.19. Donations from two trust funds in the amount of $7,000 was also contributed, making the grand total $12,580.78.

• First place winners of the Rock Port Lighting Contest were Gary and Jayne Ann Bennington. The “Griswald” lighting award went to Jason Leseberg and Clodfelter Insurance won first place in the commercial entries.