January 13, 1950

• Showing at The Fair Theatre in Fairfax: “Guns of Hate” with Tim Holt and “When My Baby Smiles At Me” with Betty Grable and Dan Dailey.

• James Lawson, playing on the Skidmore, Missouri, high school’s second basketball team, was injured Tuesday night in a game against Fairfax. James ran into a wall and threw forward his arms for protection, breaking both arms.

• In 1949, Atchison County farmers who belonged to the Balanced Farming Association built 47 miles of terraces on their property.

• C.A. Geiger has purchased the interest of R.G. Graham in the firm formerly known as the Geiger & Graham Grain Company of Fairfax and has changed the name to the Fairfax Elevator.

January 16, 1975

• R.L. Cundall, well-known veterinarian in Fairfax for the past 44 years, passed away of an apparent heart attack late Tuesday afternoon while providing medical assistance for a cow in labor at the Evan Voltmer farm near Craig. Not only did he serve the community and surrounding area as a veterinarian, but he also was a Fairfax R-3 Board of Education member for approximately 30 years and served on the City Council of Fairfax.

• The Atchison County/Northwest Missouri annual picnic in Arizona will be held Sunday, February 2, in Sun City, Arizona.

• O.C. “Clete” Swackhamer returned January 12 from a University of Missouri agricultural travel course to Central and South America. They visited destinations in Mexico, Guatamala, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad, with a stop over in Puerto Rico before their flight back to the states.

• Specials at Hunter’s Hy-Klas Store in Fairfax include: Morton frozen pumpkin pies, 24-ounce size for 59¢; red potatoes, 99¢ for a 20 lb. bag; and Sweet Emperor red grapes, 29¢ per pound.

January 13, 2000

• Community Hospital Association in Fairfax celebrated some exciting births at the end of the year and beginning of the new one. Jessie Sue Twitchell was the 50th anniversary baby, being the baby born closest to the 50th anniversary event at the hospital. Arriving on December 20, 1999, was the last baby born of the 20th century at the hospital, Tacy Renea Mitchell. The millennium baby, Brandon Scott Miller of Craig, Missouri, was born January 6, 2000. Chandler Greene was the first Atchison County baby to be born at the hospital in the new millennium, January 7, 2000.

• Fairfax High School senior Tiffany Taylor was named to the Missouri 1-A State Volleyball First Team. Tiffany played setter and middle hitter for the Fairfax Lady Bulldogs, who finished fourth at the state tournament this year. Tiffany finished her high school career as the school record holder with 640 kills, 1214 assists, 255 blocks, 793 service points, and 185 aces.

• Ask Elsie Fae column: “History has repeated itself!! Betty Wennihan took Jessie Mavity home from the beauty shop and left me sitting with my head soaked in permanent wave solution. She said she’d be right back, but I think she stopped for a cup of coffee…and maybe a ham sandwich.”

• The Wolverine 4-H Club recently donated $290 to the Fairfax R-3 School District for a computer program. The money was donated in memory of Wayne Whitford, a 4-H leader and beef livestock project leader for 21 years.