January 20, 1950
• Eight high school basketball teams will be competing in the 20th annual Fairfax Tournament.
• James K. Hunter was among the very first to get a refund check on his National Service Life Insurance policy. It is said that about a half million checks are going into the mail every week.
• Showing at The Fair Theatre in Fairfax: “Thunderhoof” with Preston Foster and Mary Stuart; “A Letter To Three Wives” with Jeanne Crain, Linda Darnell, and Ann Sothern; and “You Were Meant For Me” with Jeanne Crain and Dan Dailey.
• Specials at B.P. Hunter Stores include: glazed donuts, one dozen for 25¢; fresh sheep brains, 19¢ per pound; fresh pork liver, 19¢ per pound; Crisco, 3 pound can for 69¢; and Hy-Klas grade A pasteurized milk, 16¢ per gallon.
January 23, 1975
• Gale Seymour is a contestant in Missouri’s first Princess Soya contest, held in conjunction with the Missouri Soybean Association’s annual meeting February 5 in Columbia. Gale is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Seymour of Fairfax.
• Hunter’s Hy-Klas Store in Fairfax advertised the following specials: Wagner natural fruit juices, 32 ounce bottles, 3 for $1; Charmin bathroom tissue, 4-roll package for 69¢; Heinz keg-o ketchup, 32 ounce bottle for 79¢; and Nodaway ring bologna, 99¢ per pound.
• Harlen Creasen, director of research at MFA Oil, was speaker at the kick-off meeting of the annual adult farm class at Elkdale Monday. His scheduled 45 minute talk stretched into two hours as farmers deluged him with questions concerning the energy outlook as it relates to crop production.
• Before a crowd of some 50 members and guests of the Northwest Missouri Municipal League, Bob Mason and Lou Gray spoke on the topic “Resources available to municipal officials from the University of Missouri.”
January 20, 2000
• The Fairfax Lady Bulldogs were named champions of the Fairfax Invitational Basketball Tournament Friday, January 14. The girls defeated Craig 58-17, Rock Port 64-35, and Tarkio 53-43.
• New city maps are now available thanks to the Atchison County Development Corporation (ACDC). The maps of Fairfax, Rock Port, and Tarkio will be utilized when conducting target mailings for tourism purposes and to include in client information packets.
• Residents of Fair Haven in Fairfax enjoyed their monthly carry-in dinner. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Janis Irvine, Evelyn Foley, and Bea Paris.
• Doug Hundley, an employee of Service Master, was recently appointed as the new Director of Environmental Services at Community Hospital Association in Fairfax. Doug and his wife, Ruth, as well as twin daughters, Stacey and Stephan, are living on South Third Street in Fairfax. With the addition of the Hundley twins, there are now three sets of twins living on that block.