The Atchison County Commission met Thursday, January 9, 2025. Present were: Presiding Commissioner Curtis Livengood, South District Commissioner Richard Burke, North District Commissioner Jim Quimby, and Susette Taylor, Clerk of the Commission.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood called the meeting to order.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Month-end department reports were reviewed and approved.

Bills were reviewed and approved for payment.

Presiding Commissioner Livengood opened the final public budgetary hearing according to Section 540.600, RSMo. at 9:00 a.m. There were no guests present for the hearing. Atchison County Clerk Taylor presented the 2025 budget for review and final approval. Following review of all funds with Clerk Taylor, the commissioners voted unanimously to accept the 2025 budget as presented.

The final budget for Atchison County, Missouri, for the year 2025 (with fund name and appropriated amount) is as follows: General Revenue Fund, $4,617,886.00; Special Road And Bridge Fund, $5,146,361.00; Assessment Fund, $585,575.00; 13 LEST Fund, $1,577,550.00; 14 Landfill Fund, $10,000.00; 15 Mitigation Fund, $850,000.00; 16 Multi Purpose Fund, $21,000.00; 17 ARPA Funds, $98,329.65; 18 Law Enforcement Training Fund, $7,500.00; 19 Atchison County Retirement Fund, $235,000.00; 20 PA Training Fund, $10,800.00; 21 LATCF Federal Fund, $110,000.00; 2 Emergency Preparedness Fund, $247,266.00; 23 911 Vehicle Fund, $65,832.00; 24 LEPC Fund, $12,866.00; 25 Intangible Tax Fund, $1,950.00; 26 Domestic Violence Fund, $2,360.00; 29 Tax Maintenance Fund, $57,000.00; 30 Unclaimed Fees Fund, $1,000.00; 31 Medical Reimbursement Fund, $25,309.00; 32 CART/Special Rock Funds, $938,691.00; 33 Economic Development Fund, $400,963.00; 34 Election Equipment Fund, $10,000.00; 35 Recorders Fund, $45,000.00; 36 SB-40 Sheltered Workshop Fund, $251,100.00; 37 Div. II Interest Fund, $26.00; 38 Sheriff Civil Fund, $9,000.00; 39 PA Bad Check Fund, $4,500.00; 40 State School Fund, $13,800.00; 41 911 Fund, $863,770.00; 43 Surplus Land Sales Fund, $5,000.00; 49 HAVA Election Grant Fund, $562.00; 50 Senior Citizens Tax Fund, $134,250.00; 51 Sheriff’s Revolving Fund, $19,500.00; 52 Health Reimbursement Fund, $496,800.00; 53 Common School Fund, $100,000.00; 54 Federal Dollars Fund, $1,148,728.82; 56 Co Law Restitution Fund, $85,000.00; and Various Funds, $63,123.00

The Clerk of this Commission will file a certified copy of the order and judgment with Tasha Zach, County Treasurer of Atchison County, Missouri, and take the Treasurer’s receipt and forward by registered mail or by electronic means a certified copy of the order and judgment to the State Auditor of Missouri.

Clerk Taylor presented a petition with the required number of signatures from the Watson Special Road District requesting the commission place the following issue on the April 8, 2025, ballot: “Shall the Watson Special Road District of Atchison County levy a tax rate of thirty-five cents ($0.3500) on the hundred dollars valuation, for a period of four (4) years? This is a continuation of the existing tax.”

Treasurer Tasha Zach presented bank account agreements from Citizens Bank & Trust for new signatures.

There being no further business, the commission adjourned.