The City of Fairfax Board of Aldermen held a regular meeting January 15, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ryan Kingery at 6:05 p.m. Also in attendance were: Tristan Ray, Tabitha Wintz, and Debra Wyatt, aldermen; John Brown, Water Superintendent; Christy Stevens, City Clerk; Terry Miller, City Treasurer; and Danny Kemerling, Mark Adams, and Gregg Smith, Fairfax Fire Board.
The tentative agenda was approved.
Danny Kemerling, Mark Adams, and Gregg Smith were present to talk to the council about the Fairfax Fire agreement. It was thought the contract was for five years and needed to be renewed but the contract is for 10 years and will be renewed in 2030. The annual assessed payment was discussed. Council approved payment. The gentlemen left the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
The minutes of the December 18, 2024, regular meeting were approved.
The aldermen also approved accounts payable.
Old Business
Tabitha Wintz has been trying to get in contact with the city auditor for a few weeks with no response. It was discussed that the city might have to get the lawyer involved if no communication is made soon.
New Business
Bill #2025-01 Titled: “An ordinance pursuant to the authority of section 94.250, RSMo, submitting to the voters of the City of Fairfax, Missouri, a proposal to increase the maximum tax upon all subjects and all objects of taxation within the said City by the sum of thirty (30) cents on each one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028,” was presented to the board. It was explained that this is not a new tax but a continuation of one that has been on the books for quite some time but that has to go back before the voters every four years.
Ryan Kingery read the bill by title. The aldermen voted to approve Bill #2025-01 and it was assigned resolution #2025-1572.
After reviewing the city’s financials, the USDA pointed out that the debt service coverage ratio is below the required amount and suggested a water rate increase. After reviewing different rates and a lengthy discussion, the council voted to increase the water rates so that the city is in compliance with the USDA in accordance with its loan agreement. The city has to make sure the rates are sufficient to cover any deficits in the water budget. There was also discussion to add a meter fee to monthly bills to help cover for meters the next time the city needs new ones. With the help of the ARP money last year the city was able to get new meters without spending too much out of pocket. The rates will increase $2 for the first 1,000 gallons and $1.50 each additional 1,000 gallons. There will also a $3 meter fee added each month. Christy will have the ordinance to increase rates at the February meeting.
Staff Reports
Terry Miller, City Treasurer, submitted that all accounts are in balance
John Brown, water superintendent, reported that mice had chewed up the cord for the LG sonic at the lagoons. They will have to have someone from LG Sonic come fix it to keep our warranty. All but two meters have been installed and are running fine.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The next meeting is Wednesday, February 19, at 6:00 p.m.