Submitted by Rex E. Bollinger, Ed.D., Superintendent

I hope that 2025 has started off well for you as Rock Port R-II has started out. We are thankful we missed the heavy snowfall that came just to the south of us. We continue to make terrific progress and achieve great results in our classrooms, our athletic competitions and other activities that have started since the beginning of January.

There are several items I want to bring up regarding our district. The first is the district app for smart phones. This app is a wonderful way to stay on top of what is going on in the district. The app can be found on both the Apple IOS and Android platforms. Just go to the respective platforms’ app store and type in the district name and the app should be able to be downloaded to your phone. This is a terrific way to get notifications of events and news of the district.

The second item I wanted to discuss is the district’s website located at This website is a valuable resource to access event calendars, board meeting minutes, school activities and events, job vacancies, district financial information and many other informational items.

The last item to visit about is snow days. Generally, on snow days on my part I start around 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. driving on bus routes, routes that students take to school, and parents would utilize to bring their children to school. After communicating with neighboring superintendents and with our transportation director a decision is made on whether to have school or not. Most of the time this is as early as possible, but occasionally the weather hits at the time we are transporting students to school. We ask for your patience as we strive to make the best decision regarding having school or not. If we can, we will notify parents the evening before if we know a major winter weather storm is forecasted to happen overnight. Currently, we have one school day built in for the year and seven scheduled snow days after that. For example, if we miss three days because of snow then we would have one free day, and school would have to be made up on the first and second snow make-up days (February 24 and April 21 respectively). The seven snow make-up days are on the district calendar which can be found on the website. Hopefully we can progress through the winter without a lot of snow days.

Thank you for your support of our students, staff, and school district. Rock Port R-II is a one-of-a-kind school district, and your pride and efforts are key in helping us provide an outstanding education for our students. GO BIG BLUE!