January 27, 1950

• Jimmie, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Resler of Rupe’s Grove community, got a badly bruised right arm Wednesday of last week when it became caught in the wringer of a washer.

• Rock Port is losing a wonderful couple Friday of this week when Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoskins leave to establish their new home in Iowa. Mr. Hoskins has been associated with the Rock Port sales pavilion almost since the day it was established. He has been one of the owners of the business and the efficient office manager.

• Mr. and Mrs. Lon Robinett of Rock Port observed their 50th wedding anniversary January 21. They have spent their entire married life in Atchison County. Mr. Robinett is a veteran of the Spanish-American War.

• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: “Frontier Pony Express” with Roy Rogers and “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” with Donald O’Connor, Charles Coburn, and Gloria DeHaven.

January 23, 1975

• The Atchison County Mail is sponsoring a trip to Hawaii at a reduced rate of $850 for a minimum of 15 locals. The Mail made arrangements with “Round The World Tours” for a 13-day vacation leaving March 24.

• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: Walt Disney’s “The Bears and I” and “The Shaggy Dog.”

• Harmon-Stephens Electronics in Rock Port advertised two different models of General Electric 25” modular solid state color T.V.s for $499 and $529; and a 22” solid state black and white T.V. for $199.

• Land is still selling at an extremely good price in Atchison County. Two sales in recent weeks brought in $906 and $855 per acre. Donald McEnaney of Tarkio bought 320 acres January 18, which were part of the Frank H. Hopkins estate located northeast of Tarkio. J.B. Turner, Larry Amthor, and Dean Amthor together purchased the 120 acres of the Viola McNulty land 1 1/2 miles west and a quarter mile north of the Tarkio wye on January 20.

• The Snak-N-Rak recreation parlor will open for business Saturday at 6:00 a.m. serving breakfast or sandwiches and for all pool and snooker-playing fans. Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Minter and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lair, Snak-N-Rak has a seating capacity of 35 and is located in the former Phelps and Stites Hardware building.

January 20, 2000

• Rock Port High School Wrestling Homecoming Queen is Jamie Schmielau and King is Clint Stoner.

• Jessica McGuire of Rock Port participated in the Elks Club “Hoop Shoot” free throw contest Saturday, January 15,  in Shenandoah, Iowa. She won first place in her age division. She will advance to the district competition in Red Oak, Iowa.

• Ralph and Ruth (Kimbrough) Grubb will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married by Rev. T.L. Rorie in Rock Port on January 21, 1940.

• Chats column: “The Northwest Missouri Press Association met for the 110th annual meeting this past weekend. The Atchison County Mail’s managing editor, W.C. Farmer, was elected president.”

• The Rock Port Rotary Club presented Rock Port High School Athletic Director Del Stoltenberg with a video camera.