February 3, 1950

• Showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port: “Stagecoach Kid” with Tim Holt, “Tarzan Triumphs,” and “Homecoming” with Clark Gable and Lana Turner.

• Miss Ella McKillop was interred at Green Hill Cemetery Wednesday afternoon. She was born in Rock Port on August 24, 1868. It is said that she was the first woman in Atchison County ever to hold a notary public’s commission.

• J.H. Stanton celebrated his 90th birthday January 21 with a dinner party at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Howell of Tarkio. Mr. Stanton has lived in this county for many years and in spite of his advanced years, is in general good health.

• A recent improvement was made in the circuit courtroom at the Atchison County Courthouse. The jury box was given a sort of boxed-in front and a ledge or narrow counter on which an attorney trying a case may place objects of evidence for the jury’s inspection.

• Two suspected cattle thieves held in the county jail since early January dug a hole in the north wall of their cell and escaped. The men had dismantled the bed in one of the cells and used the parts to punch a hole in the masonry. They then stole Temple Bentley’s 1949 Ford two or three blocks from the jail.

January 30, 1975

• “The Trial of Billy Jack” is showing at the Paramount Theatre in Rock Port.

• A special training session will be held on February 11 at the Fairfax Exchange Bank for local law enforcement and bank personnel to learn on what a person is to do in an armed robbery situation. The instructor for the training will be Special Agent Herb Hawkins with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

• U.S. Congressman Jerry Litton spoke at length at the Rock Port Rotary Club banquet Saturday night before a crowd of 100 Rotarians, their wives, and invited guests. Rep. Litton is probably the most noted first year Congressman in the nation.

• Would-be tire-jackers lost their jack when they were scared off at the Clark Ford-Mercury business the night of January 17. The culprits had jacked up a Ranchero and an LTD and had the tires off and stacked to pick up when the night patrol apparently went by and they lost their nerve, skedaddling down through a ravine.

• The R Club Boosters are having a whole hog sausage and pancake supper February 4 in the multi-purpose room at the Rock Port High School. The money collected will go towards new track uniforms.

January 27, 2000

• Stew Cline, football coach for Rock Port from 1980 to 1994, will be inducted into the Missouri State High School Coaches Hall of Fame February 18, 2000. He compiled an outstanding record of 110 wins and 33 losses and this included six 275 Conference titles, nine District playoffs, two State runners-up, and two State championships.

• Glen Cohn won a Walt Disney Resort vacation package from McDonald’s Millennium Instant Win Game.

• Last year’s Rock Port Elementary third graders scored in the top 10 schools for the science portion of the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) testing. Rated among the schools with less than 250 students, the class placed 5th overall.