Submitted by Dr. Stephen Waigand, Rock Port Elementary Principal

As we kick off the second semester we are once again participating in the One School, One Book reading program. We are reading the book The World According to Humphrey by Betty Birney. Each student and staff member will get a copy of the book and spend the next couple months reading the book in class, during Blue Jay Family Fridays, and at home. We will cap off the experience with a parent/community night activity in late March/early April.

Preschool registration for the 2025-26 school year is coming up soon. We offer a 4 year old full day preschool option. Children must be 4 years old on or before July 31, 2025, to be eligible. In addition, we offer a 3 year old half day (morning or afternoon) option. Children must be 3 years old on or before July 31, 2025, to be eligible. To complete a preschool registration form, please visit the Rock Port R-II school website ( or stop by the office for a paper copy by Friday, March 7.

Our annual Maradi Mifflin Spelling Bee was held on January 23 for students in grades 5-8. Forty-three students competed in this year’s competition. Frank Kroeger was crowned champion on the day. Anthony Masonbrink (2nd), Archer Meyerkorth (3rd), and Rush Lewis (4th) rounded out the top four spots. These four students will compete against the top spellers from Tarkio and Fairfax at the Atchison County Spelling Bee in Fairfax on February 4. Good luck to all our county spelling bee participants!

Our Energy Bus Principle this month is Principle #6 – Love Your Passengers. One way to show love to others is through service. We have challenged students to find ways they can serve others at school, at home, and within their community this month.

How about those . . . Chiefs! An interesting fact to consider: most of our first graders and younger have never experienced the Chiefs not in an AFC Championship or Super Bowl game. We will enjoy the ride as long as we can and once again participate in a Super Bowl Spirit Week. Students and staff enjoy the dress-up days leading up to the big game. Stay connected with daily classroom events and school updates on X/Twitter (@RPBluejays) and the school app (Rock Port Blue Jays). As always we strive to . . .

Love all our Passengers

Serve their academic needs

Care for the whole child

Every Student, Every Day