Ed Ingram, left, and Robert Schoonover, right, received Quilts of Valor, made by members of the Missouri Freedom Quilters, at a ceremony held Thursday, January 30, 2025, at the Rock Port Senior Center.


The Missouri Freedom Quilters presented Quilts of Valor to two local veterans Thursday, January 30, 2025, at the Rock Port Senior Center. Veterans receiving quilts were Ed Ingram and Robert Schoonover.

Edward E. Ingram served in the United States Navy as an E-5 from 1955 to 1959. He served four years on the USS Antietam Aircraft Carrier, and at the Great Lakes Naval Center.

Robert Warren Schoonover served in the United States Army from 1953 to 1955 and then the Army Reserves for eight years. He was stationed in Seoul, Korea, and San Francisco, California.

The Missouri Freedom Quilters have made over 150 Quilts of Valor for veterans in Atchison County. These quilts are registered to Quilts of Valor with the recipient’s name. The group operates solely on donations to their project. They have been able to do this through the generous donations of businesses and individuals in and around our community. If you know of a local veteran who has not yet received a Quilt of Valor, call Sharon Groff at 660-744-2544 or Jean Mensen at 660-744-2085.